Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to GBF Children's Ministry

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronmomy 6:5-7

Our vision: To provide our children many opportunities to hear the Word, know the Word & act on the Word of God as they develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

GBF is committed to ministering to the total family.

It is a joy for us to join with you in providing your child with the physical care and spiritual training that will build within him/her a love for Jesus, His Word, and His church. Because we believe that spiritual development begins at birth, we provide a well-trained staff of teachers and volunteers who begin early planting seeds of spiritual truth in the hearts of children.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It's time for Mega Sports Camp Organizing! Our camp this year will be held in the evenings! June 28th we will have a mandatory meeting/orientation for ALL VOLUNTEERS at GBF from 4:30-6:00pm. Immediately following the meeting we will host an OPEN YARD PARTY (6pm-8pm). We will have a bouncehouse, games, and treats...while we take the time to register all the children! June 29th-July 2nd the camp will run from 5:00-8:30pm.

VOLUNTEERS- We will not have a "meeting" this Wednesday (June 16) but for those interested in can catch Mandy Turner at the church tonight to pick up any coach playbook manuals or huddle group discussion pamphlets to be reading over! She will be there from about 6:10-6:45.


Please look this list over and let me know if you're interested in helping!

HEAD COACHES- Basketball (Roy Layman and TJ)
HEAD COACHES- Cheer (Nikki W and Casey L)
HEAD COACHES- Baseball (??Bryan Jackson and Jessie Cook)

HEAD COACHES- Drama/Card Making (OPEN)

MUSIC COACHES- Byron and Shelley Baird


Need approx. 10 Huddle Coaches
1) Chrisa Menkhoff
2) Kristen Jackson
3) DeeDee Wilkens (may help fill in for Brent on Tuesday)

CONCESSION COACHES- (Michelle Cook, Cheryl Thomas, need one more)

CARE COACHES- need two adults to pray daily with and for staff/athletes....and will be in charge of First Aid

You can contact Mandy Turner by email, or cell, 903-818-7722.

Thanks for your help!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sunday Summers at GBF

The Children's Ministry for GBF is doing something a bit different this summer! During Community Group Hour, all children PreK-6th grade will meet in the TEAMKID/SONKID ROOM for a 12 week long study on "Jesus, the One and Only". The study is designed to help boys and girls understand the life of Jesus and what it means to them. The course will present events in Jesus' life in the context of the culture of His day as well as their importance today.

During each meeting we will play games, work puzzles, and learn Bible stories. We will use our Bibles and memorize Bible verses. We will view a video along with footage of Israel. We will learn about the culture of Jesus' day.

As a reminder, each week your child will receive a CHILD's CARD. The card will include pictures and information about the week's Bible story, information about the culture of Jesus' day, and devotional material designed for families to use together.

We will also work together as a group (leaders included) to reach a goal of memorizing verses. Each week, when your child or a leader memorizes and recites a verse, he/she will get to sign their signature on the bulletin under the appropriate verse. If as a group, we can meet a total of 100 verses recited... we will have a summer end party for everyone!!!

The study began last week...but it might be helpful to provide your child with a binder to store the CHILD CARDS you will find, these are very informational tools and have some great questions for your child and you!

Have fun with it and I look forward to hearing how you are using these Bible tools at home!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

GATHER---LOTE was a success!

Thanks so much to all who made today so special! I was shocked to see so many here to participate in our first GATHER meeting....but also thrilled to see such eager children and adults ready to go LOTE (love on the elderly)! Hopefully this is just the very beginning of a wonderful relationship with our more MATURED folks of GBF and the Gunter Community!
However, I do want to challenge you to talk with your children, and ask them to be willing to find that person/persons on Sunday at church that they were able to visit with...and perhaps say "Hello", exchange a hug, or even strike up a conversation about something you all talked about today! This will make these folks feel special and help them realize that we are doing more than just visiting them ONE time....that we intend on growing and learning from these sweet people!

And also take the time to pray for them a few times each week! As we learned today, many of them are sick, have medical issues or just feel lonely! God loves hearing us pray for our elders!

To our GBF kids: You all ROCK! You have amazed me with how sweet and polite you all are...and how you have taken the time to truly invest yourself into this type of service. And yes......the swimming was alot of fun too:-) Great fun to spend the afternoon together today!

Amy Crelia- Thank you so very much for allowing us to play at your pool today! I can't begin to tell you how much you are appreciated! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Our next event on the calendar is the GBF FAMILY ADVENTURE NIGHT....June 13th- 4pm-9pm. You don't want to miss this so sign up asap! Sign up sheets are on the Welcome Table and the Children's Table at the church. Or you can personally email me. Cost- $5 per person or $10 per person if you choose to eat out of the kitchen. Children 5yrs and younger are free!

Thanks again for a wonderful start to Summer 2010:-)

Mandy Turner

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Announcements and Activities, Sunday 05-23-2010

•BRUNCH AND THE NAVAJO’S: May 30th, we will be having brunch with the Navajo’s, so please bring your favorite dish with you when you come. Please bring enough food for your family and a little extra for our guests.

•GBF FAMILY ADVENTURE NIGHT: Pack your sunscreen and OFF because we are inviting everyone to come be a part of our 1st Annual Adventure Camp. It will be June 13, from 4-9pm in Anna, TX. You must sign up to go. Sign up sheets are at the Welcome Center and at the children’s table. More details on sign up sheets.

•PreK - K CHILDCARE CLASS: Today will be the last day we offer childcare for PreK– K students. We will re-evaluate this fall.

•DESPARATE FOR JESUS: Will be held July 23rd-24th at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church if you are interested in attending go online and get your tickets at, if unable onsite registration starts at 4:30pm July 23rd.

•SENIOR SUNDAY: GBF would like to say congratulations to our graduating seniors of 2010.

•MAY 29-30: We will be joined by several of our friends from the Navajo reservation: Pastor Wesley Castillo, his family and several congregates from Pine Hill Church in New Mexico will be HERE to worship with US!

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP: If you are interested in donating to this fund, please come prepared to give on June 6th, as we will take up a special offering at that time!

•WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Due to many awesome things going on @ GBF. We have changed the date of the women’s Bible study. The start date is NOW July 8th, it will be every Thursday, from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The Bible study over “The Covenants”. It will be held at Casey Layman’s house (107 East Main.

•MEGA SPORTS CAMP: The Children's Ministry will be hosting a Sports Camp on June 28-July 2 from 5pm-8:30pm. Details will soon be posted!

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP– The Satellite Students will travel to the Reservation in New Mexico on June 19-26. Contact Casey Layman for more info:

•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.

•Web site: or join us on Facebook! Search Grace Bible Fellowship –Gunter TX!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

GBF Family Adventure Night

Come join us for a special evening full of adventure at Collin County Adventure Camp!
All are invited to join us! On June 13th, we will meet at 3:15pm at the GBF parking lot and will head over to Anna, TX where Collin County Adventure Camp is located. Our evening events will run from 4pm-9pm.

Upon arrival, we will then participate, as one large group, in an activity together. Following the activity, we will meet together for dinner time in the kitchen hall. After eating and fellowshipping together, families will be free to go to activities of their own choice for the next two hours.
Activities to choose from include:
Archery/ BB’s
Educational Hall
Climbing Wall
Frisbee Golf
**For our older persons- An air conditioned, educational building will be open where you may mingle and play games if the weather is too hot for you:-)

Our night will end near sunset time as we will all gather near the lake for a time of worship and devotional time!

The kitchen will open and feed individuals for a very small fee, but we need at least 25people minimal to sign up for CCAdventure Camp to open their kitchen. However, you may opt to choose to bring your own sacked dinners and coolers.

$10 per person-meals included
$5 per person-bring your own sacked meal
Children 5years and younger are free!

If your family is larger and you need financial assistance, please contact Mandy Turner she may be able to help you with a plan!

Sign up sheets are at the Children's Table and the Welcome Center...or you may email Mandy at

It's gonna be a great time!!!! Hope to see everyone's name on the sign up sheet!

Mandy Turner

Monday, April 26, 2010

TeamKID and IMPACT Coming to the End

Our 2009-2010 TeamKID/IMPACT season is quickly coming to an end. What a joy and a privilege it has been to work with your children this past year!!! I do, indeed, hope and pray that your child has learned a great deal about God and is starting to LIVE OUT their lives, the way God has intended!

With that being said..... It isn't quite over yet! We have two more meeting this year.

This Wednesday we will have our last SPIRIT NIGHT! It is InSide-Out, UpSide-Down, Wacky Wednesday---And YES, THIS DOES INCLUDE THE IMPACT STUDENTS! Our night will be filled with Praise and Worship to the EXTREME, Bible Review Games, Pizza, and some great fellowship time in our small groups!

Next Wednesday, May 5, we will have our END OF THE YEAR BANQUET! This will include all students in TeamKID and IMPACT. We encourage parents, family members, and friends to come be a part of it! We will have a time of Praise and Worship. We will recognize ALL our students who have participated with awards. We will recognize our coaches and leaders....and of course, share some videos of our year! It's a special time for these young ones and we hope you will come be a part of it!!!

SUMMER CALENDAR is being finalized and will be posted this week! Here are a few dates you may be interested in marking your calendar with or helping with!

MEGA SPORTS CAMP- June 28-July 2 (5:00pm-8:30pm)
CAMP KIDJAM- July 22-25 (Four slots remain open until May 1)