Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bible Bookmarks

Did your child come home with a "Bible Bookmark" this past Sunday after EKG hour? I sure hope so. A friend of mine gave me some samples to share with our ministry. After reading up on the Bible Bookmarks, I thought that this would be a great tool to use to help form good habits of reading God's Word on a daily basis.

I highly encourage you, as parents, to get involved with this program. It is simple and requires very little time..... However, the impacts of what kind of habits can and will form through the discipline of completing the Bible Bookmarks are beyond any reward we can give here on earth.

The Bible Bookmarks have a few verses to read each night. Read and please mark each night that your child read. Read the verses, sign the back of the bookmark, and bring back on Sunday for a "Treasure Box" reward.

Right now, the SONKID'S class is the only class participating in the Bible Bookmarks. However, I have ordered enough for the entire children's ministry to use. Please keep a eye out for these!

I am looking forward to hearing how your family implements these in your home!!!

***If your child did not receive a Bible Bookmark, please feel free to pick one up at the TeamKID table on Wednesday or call Mandy Turner to get one sooner!


ButterflyBeacon said...

I was wondering if you could steer me towards where I could see or order the bookmarks you are talking about. I am a children's minister and looking for creative ways to encourage Bible reading. Thanks for sharing.

The GBF said...

Hello ButterflyBeacon! You can find the bookmarks that we are using at They are very nice bookmarks and cost very little! I would love to hear feedback if you choose to use these in your ministry!

Mandy Turner