Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Community Fall Festival on Halloween

Bring your friends and neighbors to the Community Fall Festival (hosted by GBF and FBC Gunter) on Halloween evening from 4-6pm at the High School Parking Lots!

There will be free refreshments, carnival type booths, plenty of candy, and fun for everyone!

We need several volunteers and donations to help make this event successful.....
1) We ask that each EKG group host at least ONE booth with prizes and working volunteers.
2) Water Bottle Donations(approximately 150 from each adult EKG group would be IDEAL).
3) A few men to help cook hot dogs on the grounds.... GBF will provide hot dogs and buns
4) Candy donations
5) A truck, a trailer, and a willing adult to provide a hayride up and down Tiger Lane.

**The Children's Ministry Team will provide a face painting booth!!

With your help, we can reach our community for Christ on this night! How awesome will it be to see fellow believers in this crowd engaging in conversation with those who may not know Christ!!!

I am looking forward to working with you!


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